How do I Make my Fonts Colorful?
Well, first you have to have a program to create your own graphics. I use Adobe Photoshop CS3 and Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8, so my tutorials will be based on those programs.
Adobe Photoshop CS3:
- To begin, open Adobe Photoshop CS3. Click on file in the upper left hand corner. When the drop-down menu comes down, click on new, and a window pops up. You have to decide how big you want your image to be. Start with a width of 200 and a height of 100. Add your own width and height in the pop-up window and then click ok. Your new image will show up, it should have a white background and be called Untitled-1.
- Then, click on the tool on the left hand menu which looks like a T. This is the text tool. Click anywhere on your new image to begin typing. You can pick your font size, color, and placement on the image either before or after you begin typing by clicking on the options at the top of your screen.
- Next, you can do many different things with your font. You can add a drop shadow, a gradient, make your font look 3D, and many other fun things by simply clicking on the icon "fx" in the lower right hand corner of your Photoshop program. The "fx" button is at the bottom of the "layers" box. You can play around with all sorts of effects with the use of this button!
Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8:
- Ok, first open Paint Shop Pro 8. Click on file in the upper left hand corner. When the drop-down menu comes down, click on new, and a window pops up. You have to decide how big you want your image to be. Let's start with a width of 200 and a height of 100. Add your own width and height in the pop-up window and then click ok. Your new image will show up, it should have a white background and be called Image 1.
- Then, pick a font in the toolbar on the top of your program, also pick the size. Where it says "create as" in the upper left hand corner, click floating in the drop-down menu. Go over to the right side of your screen. You'll see a color menu there. Pick a color for your font. When you click on the color, you'll see it in the rectangular box to the right of the color menu.
- Next, click on the text tool in the menu on the left side (it's the letter A near the bottom of the menu). Then click on your new image, in the middle of the image somewhere. Once you've done that, you can start typing your text in. When you're done, click apply at the bottom of the pop-up. Now you have finished your image! If you want to add a drop shadow, click effects at the top of your screen, then 3d effects, then drop shadow. Apply a drop shadow in the new window, and click apply. Voila! You have a new image, complete with a drop-down shadow. Click on file, save in the upper left hand corner and save your image in a folder where you can find it later.
See? It's very simple to make your fonts colorful. Of course you can experiment with your Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop programs and do lots of other cool effects!